Mahesh Sanzgiri
Dynamic Management Services Based in Mumbai, India
Title: Isolation, Identification & Field Studies On Tiger Pheromones
Biography: Mahesh Sanzgiri
Pheromones, although well-known in the insect world, not much work has been done in the case of mammals. The aim of present study was to isolate, identify the Tiger Pheromones. In order to do the field studies, especially in using this as a Biochemical Marker by Tiger in territory marking and communication especially during mating season, the studies were carried out in forest.
For the study, tiger urine was collected from different zoos in month of January, March, July and September to cover most of the seasons of the year.
For separation of components of Tiger Urine for study purpose MERCK HPTLC and Preparative Layer Chrometographic techniques were used and so also electrophoratic run on Whatsmann’s paper. To confirm functional groups of components separated, IR Specturum was used.