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Director of research CNRS, Emeritus
Ecole Normale Superieure


Anny Jutand has studied Chemistry at the University Paris 6 (France). She obtained her PhD at the University Paris 13 in 1980. After a postdoctoral stay at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, she moved to the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. She became Research Director at CNRS (equivalent to full Professor) in 1992 at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris Her current research interest is transition metal catalysis (Pd, Ru, Cu, Fe, Ni), focussing on mechanistic investigation by means of electrochemical techniques. She also develops activations of organic molecules by transition metal complexes and by electron transfer (synthetic development and mechanism) She has published 173 papers. She is the author of 7 industrial patents, 19 articles or chapters in collective books, 115 conferences or seminars (H factor: 49, ISI web of Science) Honors: 2003: Award 2003 of the Organic Chemistry Division of the French Chemical Society 2008: “Grand Prix d’Etat” of the French Academy of Sciences 2013: “Grand Prix Achile Le Bel” of the French Chemical Society)

Research Interest

Anny Jutand has received the award jointly with Joel Moreau, for her unique and remarkable work in the elucidation of reaction mechanisms, the introduction of new concepts in organometallic and organic chemistry, and the visibility and international renown of French catalysis.