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Pradip K. Bhowmik

Pradip K. Bhowmik

University of Nevada Las Vegas


Pradip K. Bhowmik is currently Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Nevada Las Vegas. He obtained his Masters of Science in Physical/Organic Chemistry and Ph.D. in Organic/Polymer Chemistry from University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and University of Massachusetts at Amherst, respectively. He received the 2014 POLY Fellow and 2014 ACS Fellow Awards for his outstanding scientific/professional accomplishments and service to the American Chemical Society. He currently serves on the editorial board of 11 technical journals and is an academic editor for Green and Sustainability Chemistry, American Chemical Science Journal and Advances in Research as well as an Advisory Board Member for InnoSense LLC, California.

Research Interest

Liquid crystalline polymers, Light-emitting Polymers, Fire Retardant Polymers, Viologen Polymers, Poly(pyridinium salt)s, Nanostructured Materials, Organic Synthesis, Polymer Synthesis, Green Chemistry, Ionic Liquids, Liquid-crystalline and Luminescent Organic Salts, Anticancer Drugs, and Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease.