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Rui Fausto

Rui Fausto

Director of the Coimbra Chemistry Centre
University of Coimbra


Rui Fausto is Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Coimbra and is the coordinator of the Laboratory for Molecular Cryospectroscopy and Biospectroscopy (LMCB). After his post-doctoral training at the NRCCanada in the fields of infrared, Raman and resonance Raman spectroscopies of proteins, Rui Fausto returned to Coimbra and introduced in the Chemistry Department of the University of Coimbra the technique of FT-infrared spectroscopy. The first FT-IR instrument was bought under the “Ciência” -UE funded program. Later on (1994), he started the installation of the first (and unique until now) Portuguese cryospectroscopy laboratory, the LMCB, using funds from the EU-PRAXIS XXI program. This infrastructure has grown since then and it is now one of the most important infrastructures at world level dedicated to cryospectroscopy.

Research Interest

His research interest are on Quantum Chemistry, Density Functional Theory, Photochemistry, Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Matrix Isolation, Chemical Physics, DFT Calculations, Hydrogen Bonding, Ab Initio, Molecular Structure, Molecular Modeling, Cheminformatics and Computational Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy, Spectra, IR Spectra