Ming Xia
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Ming Xia has received BS (2009) degree in Pharmaceutical Engineering from Zhengzhou University and PhD (2014) degree in Chemical Engineering from Tianjin University. After graduation in 2014/07, he has joined in the Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he is now a research associate. His research interests involve resources, particularly focusing on novel reactor research and development (Equipment), steady-state design and dynamic control (Process), and industrial scale-up (plant/factory level), with the help of simulated and experimental methods. At present, he is focusing on the scale-up of multi-tubular fixed-bed reactor for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (100,000 t/a liquid hydrocarbon), and methanol downstream technology, such as acetic acid to acetone and acetic acid to ethanol etc.
Abstract : Design, optimization and control of energy-saving dividing-wall column for separating azeotropes