Mariarosa Raimondo
Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics ISTEC CNR, 48018 Faenza (Italy)
M. Raimondo as Industrial Chemist is a senior researcher and project leader on “Smart and multifunctional industrial materials” at ISTEC CNR, Faenza (Italy).
Expertise: design of innovative coatings and methodologies to provide ceramics, glasses, metals and alloys of super-hydrophobicity, amphiphobicity, switchable hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity. Development of coatings for friction, drag and noise reduction (industrial sectors: mechanic, marine), with anti-icing (aerospace, electric conduction systems), anti-corrosion, anti-fouling, anti-soiling and anti-reflective properties (PV and building industry). Author of more than 80 papers on international journals and 50 communications at international conferences.
Abstract : Amphiphobic nanostructured coatings for industrial applications