Daphne T. Mapolelo,
Senior Lecturer
University of Botswana
South Africa
Daphne T Mapolelo has expertise in synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of ruthenium metal complexes. My current research interest lies in the synthesis, characterization and biological application of ruthenium polydentate pyridine and benzimidazole-based complexes. The characterization of these ruthenium complexes requires the use of a wide range of spectroscopic/magnetic techniques such as electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), MÖssbauer, resonance Raman, natural and magnetically induced circular dichroism (CD and MCD). In addition, in vitro and in vivo studies are employed to test the metal complexes for anticancer, anti HIV and antimicrobial activities.
Research Interest
metal complexes